List of lint synonyms and lint related words.
Ace bandage, Band-Aid, adhesive tape, air pollution, application, attritus, band, bandage, bandaging, binder, brace, bran, cast, cataplasm, clue, compress, cosmic dust, cotton, court plaster, cravat, crumb, crumble, down, dressing, dust, dust ball, efflorescence, eiderdown, elastic bandage, epithem, fallout, farina, filings, floss, flour, flue, fluff, four-tailed bandage, fur, fuzz, gauze, grits, groats, kittens, meal, pile, plaster, plaster cast, pledget, poultice, powder, pussies, raspings, roller, roller bandage, rubber bandage, sawdust, sling, smut, soot, splint, sponge, stupe, swansdown, tampon, tape, tent, thistledown, tourniquet, triangular bandage