List of little synonyms and little related words.
Lilliputian, a bit, a breath, a little, abject, abominable, ace, arrant, atom, atrocious, authoritarian, baby, back-burner, bantam, barely, base, beggarly, bigot, bigoted, bit, borne, bowshot, brief, brief span, by a hair, by an ace, casual, cheap, cheesy, close quarters, close range, closed, collateral, compact, compendious, concise, constricted, contemptible, crack, cramped, creedbound, crumb, crummy, cursory, curt, curtal, curtate, dab, deaf, deaf to reason, debased, decurtate, deficient, degraded, depraved, depthless, despicable, diminutive, dinky, dirty, disgusting, dispensable, dole, dollop, dot, dram, dribble, driblet, dwarf, earreach, earshot, elfin, ever so little, execrable, exiguous, exiguously, faintly, fanatical, farthing, feebly, few, flagrant, fleck, flyspeck, footling, fortuitous, foul, fragment, fulsome, gobbet, grain, granule, grave, groat, gross, gunshot, hair, hair space, hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, half-pint, handful, hardly, hardly any, hardly ever, heinous, hidebound, illiberal, immaterial, imperfect, imperfectly, in a nutshell, in miniature, in the small, inadequate, inappreciable, inappreciably, inch, incidental, incompetent, inconsequential, inconsequentially, inconsiderable, ineffectual, inessential, inferior, infinitesimal, infrequently, insignificant, insignificantly, instant, instantaneous, insufficient, insular, iota, irrelevant, itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty, jot, just a bit, knee-high, light, lightly, limited, little bit, little ways, little while, little-minded, low, low-down, lumpen, maladroit, mangy, meager, meagerly, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, measly, mediocre, microscopic, midget, mingy, mini, miniature, minim, minimally, minimum, minor, minuscule, minute, minutely, minutiae, miserable, mite, modicum, molecule, moment, monkey, monstrous, mote, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, nefarious, negligible, negligibly, niggard, niggardly, no, no great shakes, no time, nonessential, not any, not comparable, not enough, not hardly, not in it, not much, not vital, nutshell, obnoxious, odious, one-horse, only just, ounce, out of it, pair of winks, paltry, parochial, particle, pebble, petit, petite, petty, picayune, picayunish, piddling, pinch, pindling, pint-sized, pistol shot, pittance, point, poky, poor, potty, provincial, puny, purblind, pygmy, rank, rarely, reptilian, scabby, scant, scantily, scanty, scarcely, scrap, scrubby, scruffy, scruple, scummy, scurvy, secondary, seldom, self-centered, selfish, set, shabby, shallow, shoddy, shoestring, short, short and sweet, short distance, short piece, short spell, short time, short way, shortsighted, skimpy, skin-deep, slight, slightly, small, small space, small-beer, small-minded, smallish, smally, smidgen, smidgin, smitch, span, sparse, speck, spitting distance, spoonful, spot, spurt, squalid, step, stingy, straitlaced, stuffy, subordinate, subsidiary, succinct, summary, superficial, synoptic, tant soit peu, taste, technical, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, thimbleful, tiny, tiny bit, tittle, toy, transient, trifling, trifling amount, triflingly, trivia, trivial, two shakes, two-by-four, uncatholic, uncharitable, unchivalrous, undersized, unessential, unfrequently, ungenerous, unimaginative, unimportant, unimpressive, unliberal, unmentionable, unnoteworthy, unoften, unskillful, vile, weakly, wee, whit, wretched, young, youthful