List of living synonyms and living related words.
TLC, abiding, ablaze, abode, aboveground, active, acute, advowson, afire, aflame, aflicker, aggressive, aglow, alight, alimony, alive, alive and kicking, among the living, animal spirits, animate, animate existence, animated, animation, ardent, around, being, being alive, benefice, biological, biotic, birth, blazing, bread, bread and butter, breathing, brisk, burning, candent, candescent, capable of life, care, care of souls, charge, cohabitation, comburent, commorancy, commorant, conflagrant, conscious, curacy, cure, current, daily bread, dwelling, dynamic, economic support, endowed with life, endowment, energetic, enlivened, enterprising, enthusiastic, existence, existent, existing, extant, faithful, flagrant, flaming, flaring, flickering, forceful, forcible, full of pep, fuming, glebe, glowing, go-go, guttering, habitancy, habitation, having life, hearty, ignescent, ignited, immortality, impetuous, in a blaze, in a glow, in being, in effect, in existence, in flames, in force, in residence, in the flesh, incandescent, incisive, incumbency, inflamed, inhabitancy, inhabitation, inhabiting, inspirited, instinct with life, intense, keen, keep, kindled, kinetic, life, lifelike, lifetime, live, livelihood, liveliness, lively, living in, lodging, long life, long-lived, longevity, lusty, maintenance, manna, meat, mettlesome, mothering, natural, nesting, nourishment, nurture, occupancy, occupation, on fire, on foot, operative, organic, organized, peppy, physiological, prelacy, present, prevalent, price support, provision, quick, realistic, rectory, reeking, remaining, residence, residency, resident, residentiary, residing, robust, salt, scintillant, scintillating, smacking, smoking, smoldering, snappy, sojourning, spanking, sparking, speaking, spirited, spriteliness, squatting, staying, staying over, stopping, strenuous, strong, subsidization, subsidy, subsistence, subsistent, subsisting, subvention, support, sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, take-charge, take-over, tenacious of life, tenancy, tender loving care, to the life, trenchant, true to life, true to nature, under the sun, unextinguished, unquenched, upkeep, very much alive, viability, viable, vibrant, vicarage, vigorous, vital, vitality, vivacious, vivacity, vivid, vivified, zestful, zesty, zippy, zoetic