List of llano synonyms and llano related words.
alkali flat, alluvial plain, basin, bottomland, bushveld, campo, champaign, champaign country, coastal plain, delta, desert, down, downs, fell, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, grass, grass veld, grassland, grazing, haugh, haughland, heath, lande, lea, level, lowland, lowlands, lunar mare, mare, mead, meadow, meadow land, mesa, mesilla, moor, moorland, open country, pampa, pampas, park, pasturage, pasture, pasture land, peneplain, plain, plains, plateau, playa, prairie, range, salt flat, salt marsh, salt pan, savanna, sebkha, steppe, steppeland, swale, table, tableland, tree veld, tundra, upland, vega, veld, weald, wide-open spaces, wold