List of loaded synonyms and loaded related words.
abounding in riches, afflicted, affluent, all ready, all set, armed, armed and ready, bent, big-rich, boiled, bombed, booted and spurred, boozy, briefed, brimful, brimming, burdened, canned, charged, chock-full, climacteric, coached, cocked, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, comfortable, crammed, critical, crocked, crocko, crowded, crucial, cumbered, decisive, devious, disguised, disgustingly rich, drunk, elevated, emergent, encumbered, equipped, exigent, familiarized, fat, flush, fraught, freighted, fried, frightfully rich, fuddled, full-charged, full-fraught, good and ready, groomed, half-seas over, hampered, heavy-laden, high, illuminated, in arms, in battle array, in funds, in readiness, in the money, in the saddle, independent, independently rich, independently wealthy, inebriated, informed, insidious, jam-packed, jammed, kairotic, laden, lit, lit up, loaded for bear, lubricated, lushy, luxurious, made of money, manipulative, mature, mobilized, moneyed, muddled, muzzy, oiled, on the mark, oofy, oppressed, opulent, organized, overburdened, overcharged, overfraught, overfreighted, overladen, overloaded, overtaxed, overweighted, overwhelmed, packed, pickled, pie-eyed, pissed, pissy-eyed, pivotal, pixilated, planned, plastered, polluted, potted, prearranged, pregnant, prejudiced, prejudicial, prepared, prepared and ready, prepped, primed, prosperous, provided, provided for, psyched up, raddled, ready, ready for anything, rich, rich as Croesus, ripe, rolling in money, saddled, set, shellacked, skunk-drunk, smashed, soaked, soused, squiffy, stewed, stinko, stuffed, supercharged, swacked, tanked, taxed, tight, trap, tricky, up in arms, vigilant, wallowing in wealth, warm, wealthy, weighted, weighted down, well provided for, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-prepared, well-to-do