List of lock synonyms and lock related words.
aboideau, accord, agree, air lock, answer to, articulate, assent, assort with, authority, bang, bar, barricade, barrier, batten, batten down, be consistent, be of one, be uniform with, bear hug, bind, block, block up, blockade, bolt, buckle, butt, button, button up, cage, catch, cessation, check, chime, chock, choke, choke off, clap, clasp, cleat, clip, close, close off, close out, close tight, close up, clutch, cohere, coincide, command, commit, concur, confine, conform, conform with, consist with, constrain, constrict, contain, contract, control, coop up, cooperate, correspond, cover, crimp, crowd, curl, dead set, dead stand, dead stop, deadlock, debar, detain, dock gate, dog, dovetail, dying down, ebb, ebbing, engage, entangle, entwine, exclude, fall in together, fasten, fit together, fix, fix on, fix upon, flood-hatch, floodgate, fold, fold up, follow, frizz, frizzle, full nelson, full stop, gate, go together, go with, grapple, grasp, half nelson, halt, hang together, harmonize, hasp, head gate, hinge, hit, hitch, hold, hold together, hook, implant, impound, imprison, incarcerate, interlock, intersect, jam, jibe, join, joint, keep out, keep track of, key, latch, lock gate, lock in, lock out, lock up, match, miter, mortise, nail, oblige, obstruct, occlude, overlap, pack, padlock, parallel, peg, penstock, pin, plant, plumb, ponytail, power, pursue, quarter nelson, rabbet, register, register with, respond to, restrain, restrict, retain, ringlet, rivet, scarf, scissors, screw, seal, seal off, seal up, secure, sew, shut, shut off, shut out, shut the door, shut tight, shut up, sing in chorus, skewer, slam, sluice, sluice gate, snap, sort with, square, square with, squeeze, squeeze shut, stabilize, stand, stand together, standstill, staple, stick, stifle, stillstand, stitch, stop, stop up, strangle, stranglehold, strangulate, subsidence, suffocate, supervision, sway, tack, tally, tide gate, toehold, toggle, track, tress, wane, waning, water gate, wedge, weir, zip up, zipper