List of long synonyms and long related words.
a mile long, ache, ache for, ache to, aeon, age, ages, aim, and night, aspire, be dying for, be dying to, be hurting for, big, blue moon, bull, bull account, burn to, century, choose to, clamor for, colossal, covet, crave, cry for, day after day, de longue haleine, dearly love to, desire, diffuse, diffusive, dragging, drawn-out, dream, dream of, elongate, elongated, endless, enduringly, eternity, extended, extensive, fancy, far-flung, far-reaching, fargoing, filled out, flatulent, for an age, for life, for long, gangling, gangly, gape for, giant, gigantic, great, hanker, hone for, hope for, hour after hour, hunger, interminable, interminably, itch, itch for, itch to, languish for, languishing, lank, lanky, large, lasting, leggy, lengthened, lengthy, like to, lingering, long account, long ago, long for, long interest, long side, long since, long time, long to, long while, long-continuing, long-drawn, long-drawn-out, long-legged, long-pending, long-spun, long-winded, longiloquent, longish, longs, longsome, love to, lust, lust for, marathon, miss, month after month, month of Sundays, morning, no end of, noon, out, outstretched, overlong, padded, pant for, persistently, pine, pine for, prolix, prolonged, protracted, protractedly, rangy, right smart spell, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, sigh, sigh for, since time began, spoil for, spun-out, statuesque, stretched-out, sustained, talkative, tall, the livelong day, thirst, thirst for, till doomsday, time immemorial, undyingly, unendingly, unrelenting, verbose, want, want to, weary for, windy, wish, wish for, wish to, without end, wordy, year after year, yearn, yearn for, years, years on end, yen, yen for