List of loop synonyms and loop related words.
O, air hole, ambit, annular muscle, annulus, arc, arch, areola, armhole, association, aureole, band, bank, beat, begird, belt, belt in, bend, bend back, beset, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, blowhole, boss, bow, braid, break, broken circuit, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulla, bullet-hole, bump, bunch, bunghole, burl, button, cahot, chaplet, chine, cincture, circle, circlet, circuit, circuital field, circumference, circus, closed circle, closed circuit, clump, coil, compass, complete circuit, condyle, conference, convex, corona, coronet, crab, cringle, crook, crown, curl, curve, cycle, dead circuit, deadeye, decurve, deflect, diadem, dip, discus, disk, dome, dowel, ear, embow, encincture, encircle, encompass, engird, enlace, ensphere, entwine, eternal return, eye, eyelet, fairy ring, feather, fishtail, flange, flap, flex, full circle, gall, galvanic circuit, garland, gasket, gird, girdle, glory, gnarl, grommet, ground loop, guide, halo, handle, hill, hook, hoop, hot circuit, hump, hunch, incurvate, incurve, inflect, interknit, interlace, intertie, intertissue, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, intort, jog, joggle, keyhole, knit, knob, knot, knothole, knur, knurl, lace, lap, lasso, lateral circuit, leg, lip, live circuit, logical circle, loom, loophole, looplet, lump, magic circle, magnetic circuit, manhole, mat, microcircuit, mole, mountain, mousehole, multiple circuit, multiple series, net, nevus, noose, nub, nubbin, nubble, orbit, papilloma, path, peephole, peg, pigeonhole, pinhole, placket, placket hole, plait, pleach, plow, porpoise, porthole, printed circuit, pull out, pull up, punch-hole, push down, raddle, radius, recurve, reflect, reflex, retroflex, revolution, rib, ridge, ring, roll, rondelle, round, round trip, roundel, rounds, sag, saucer, series multiple, short, short circuit, shoulder, sideslip, skid, sphincter, spin, spine, spiracle, spiral, splice, staple, stud, stunt, style, swag, sweep, tab, tap, tie, tissue, tour, tubercle, tubercule, turn, twill, twine, twine around, twist, undulate, vault, vector field, vent, venthole, verruca, vesicle, vicious circle, wale, walk, wart, wattle, weave, web, welt, wheel, whorl, wind, wreath, wreathe, wreathe around, yaw, zone