List of loose synonyms and loose related words.
Bohemian, Paphian, abandoned, abate, absonant, adrift, affable, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, aid, aimless, aleatoric, aleatory, alleviate, amorphous, approximate, approximative, at large, at liberty, aweigh, bagging, baggy, ballooning, barbarous, bate, beat-up, bedraggled, blobby, blowzy, blurred, blurry, break loose, broad, by the way, capricious, careless, cast off, cast-off, casual, chambering, chance, chancy, chaotic, chintzy, clear, clear the way, confused, contradictory, contrary to reason, cool off, cordial, corrupt, culpably negligent, dangling, debauched, degage, deliver, derelict, desultory, detach, detached, deviative, diffuse, digressive, dilapidated, discharge, disconnected, discontinuous, discursive, disengage, disengaged, disenthrall, disjoin, disjointed, disordered, disorganized, disperse, dispersed, dissolute, doff, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, drooping, droopy, ease, ease off, ease up, easy, easygoing, emancipate, emancipated, emit, episodic, erroneous, escape, escaped, excursive, expedite, explain, extravagant, facilitate, fallacious, familiar, fast, faulty, fire, flabby, flaccid, flapping, flawed, fled, flee, flimsy, floating, floppy, flowing, flown, foggy, folksy, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, free, free and easy, free as air, freeborn, freed, frowzy, frumpish, frumpy, fugitive, fuzzy, general, give out with, go-as-you-please, go-go, gracious, grease, grease the ways, grease the wheels, grubby, hanging, hasten, haymish, hazy, help along, hit-or-miss, homely, homey, ill-defined, illogical, immoderate, immoral, impotent, imprecise, improper, in disarray, in disorder, in rags, in the clear, inaccurate, inadvertent, inattentive, inauthentic, inchoate, incoherent, inconclusive, incongruous, inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsistent, inconstant, incontinent, incorrect, indecisive, indefinable, indefinite, indeterminable, indeterminate, indifferent, indistinct, indulgent, inexact, infelicitous, informal, intemperate, invalid, irrational, irregular, irrepressible, laissez-faire, lax, lenient, lessen, let down, let fly, let go, let up, lewd, liberate, liberated, libertine, licentious, light, limp, loose-moraled, loosen, lop, lop-eared, loppy, lubricate, lumpen, make clear, make way for, manumit, maundering, messy, mitigate, movable, mussy, natural, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, nodding, nonadhesive, noninterfering, nonrestrictive, nonscientific, nonspecific, not following, obscure, of easy virtue, of loose morals, off-guard, offhand, offhanded, oil, on the loose, open the way, open up, orderless, out of, out of control, out of hand, out of line, out of plumb, out of square, out of true, overindulgent, overly permissive, overpermissive, paralogical, pave the way, permissive, perverted, plain, poky, prepare the way, procrastinating, profligate, promiscuous, quicken, ragged, raggedy, rambling, rampant, random, reasonless, reckless, reinless, relax, relaxed, release, released, remiss, remit, remove, remove friction, rickety, riotous, rough, roving, rubbery, ruinous, run interference for, runaway, sagging, sagging in folds, saggy, scamping, scatter, scot-free, scraggly, seedy, self-annulling, self-contradictory, self-refuting, senseless, separate, set free, shabby, shadowed forth, shadowy, shaky, shapeless, shoddy, shoot, simple, simplify, sit back, skimping, slack, slack off, slack up, slacken, slake, slapdash, slatternly, slighting, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, slurring, sluttish, smooth, smooth the way, soap the ways, sociable, soft, solecistic, sordid, speed, spread about, squalid, started, stochastic, streaming, swag, sweeping, tacky, take it easy, take off, tattered, unaffected, unanchored, unassuming, unattached, unauthentic, unbar, unbend, unbind, unblock, unbolt, unbound, unbrace, unbridle, unbridled, unbuckle, unbutton, uncage, unceremonious, unchain, unchained, unchaste, unchecked, uncircumspect, unclasp, unclear, unclog, uncoerced, uncommitted, uncompelled, unconfined, unconnected, unconstrained, uncontrolled, unconventional, uncurbed, undefined, undestined, undetermined, undo, undone, unengaged, unfactual, unfasten, unfastened, unfetter, unfettered, unfixed, unforced, ungag, unglue, ungoverned, ungrammatic, unguarded, unhandcuff, unhobble, uninhibited, uninvolved, unjam, unkempt, unlace, unlash, unlatch, unleash, unlock, unloose, unloosen, unmanacle, unmastered, unmeasured, unmoored, unmuzzle, unmuzzled, unneat, unofficial, unpen, unphilosophical, unpinion, unplain, unprecise, unreasonable, unreined, unrepressed, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestrictive, unrigorous, unruly, unscientific, unsecured, unshackle, unshackled, unsightly, unspecific, unspecified, unstick, unstrain, unstrap, unstring, unstuck, unstudied, unsubdued, unsuppressed, untether, untidy, untie, untied, untighten, untruss, unwary, unwatchful, unyoke, vague, veiled, vent, wandering, wanton, wayward, weak, weigh anchor, well out of, whorish, wild, without reason