List of lousy synonyms and lousy related words.
abominable, alive with, arrant, atrocious, awful, bad, base, beastly, beneath contempt, beset, blameworthy, brutal, contemptible, deplorable, despicable, detestable, dire, dirty, disgusting, dreadful, egregious, enormous, fetid, filthy, flagrant, foul, fulsome, grievous, gross, grubby, hateful, heinous, horrible, horrid, infamous, inferior, infested, lamentable, loathsome, low, low-quality, mean, miserable, monstrous, nasty, nefarious, noisome, notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, outrageous, pedicular, pediculous, pitiable, pitiful, plagued, poor, rank, ratty, ravaged, regrettable, reprehensible, repulsive, rotten, sad, scandalous, schlock, scurvy, second-rate, shabby, shameful, shocking, shoddy, sordid, squalid, teeming, terrible, too bad, unclean, vicious, vile, villainous, woeful, wormy, worst, worthless, wretched