List of love synonyms and love related words.
Amor, Aphrodite, Astarte, BOMFOG, Benthamism, Christian charity, Christian love, Cupid, Eros, Freya, Kama, Love, Venus, accord, accordance, admiration, admire, adoration, adore, adulate, adulation, affair, affection, affinity, agape, agreement, aim at, allegiance, altruism, amiability, amiableness, amicability, amicableness, amity, amor, amorousness, amour, angel, appreciate, ardency, ardor, attachment, attraction, babe, baby, baby-doll, bang, bask in, be all heart, be desirous of, be fond of, be partial to, be pleased with, beau, beloved, beloved object, beneficence, benevolence, benevolent disposition, benevolentness, bent, best love, best regards, best wishes, betrothed, bigheartedness, bonds of harmony, bonk, boyfriend, brotherhood, brotherly love, burn with love, buttercup, cardinal virtues, care, care for, caress, caritas, carnality, cement of friendship, charitableness, charity, cherish, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, choose, coldness, communion, community, community of interests, compatibility, compliments, concern, concord, concordance, congeniality, correspondence, cosset, crush, cuddle, dandle, darling, dear, dear one, dearly beloved, deary, deify, delight, delight in, derive pleasure from, desiderate, desire, devoirs, devotion, devour, disposition, do-goodism, doll, dote, dote on, dote upon, duck, duckling, eat up, egards, embrace, emotion, empathy, enjoy, enjoyment, enthusiasm, esprit, esprit de corps, exalt, faith, fancy, favor, fealty, feast on, feeling of identity, fellow feeling, fellowship, fervor, fiance, fiancee, fidelity, flesh, fleshliness, flower power, fondle, fondness, fortitude, freak out on, frictionlessness, friendliness, friendship, frigidity, fuck, generosity, get high on, girl, giving, gloat over, go for, good vibes, good vibrations, good wishes, goodwill, grace, greatheartedness, greetings, groove on, gust, gusto, guy, happy family, harmony, hate, have deep feelings, have designs on, have eyes for, have it bad, have sex, hold dear, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, hope, humanitarianism, hump, identity, idolatry, idolize, impotence, inamorata, inamorato, inclination, indulge in, infatuation, intended, intrigue, justice, kind regards, kindest regards, kindness, kinship, know, lamb, lambkin, largeheartedness, leaning, liaison, libido, light of love, like, like-mindedness, likes, liking, love affair, love of mankind, loved one, lovemaking, lover, loyalty, lust, lust after, luxuriate in, make out, man, mania, marriage, mate, mutuality, natural virtues, neck, neighborlikeness, neighborliness, oneness, partiality, passion, peace, peaceableness, pet, petkins, philanthropism, philanthropy, piety, pleasure, potency, precious, precious heart, predilection, prefer, preference, prize, proclivity, prudence, rapport, rapprochement, rapture, reciprocity, regard, regards, rejoice in, relationship, relish, remembrances, respects, revel in, revere, riot in, romance, savor, screw, sensuality, sentiment, sex drive, sexiness, sexual instinct, sexual urge, sexualism, sexuality, sharing, sisterhood, smack the lips, snookums, sociability, solicitude, solidarity, sugar, suitor, supernatural virtues, swain, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, swim in, sympathy, symphony, take, take pleasure in, take to, tally, taste, team spirit, temperance, tenderness, theological virtues, thing, treasure, truelove, turtledove, understanding, unhostility, union, unison, unity, utilitarianism, value, venerate, voluptuousness, wallow in, want, warmth, weakness, welfarism, well-affectedness, well-beloved, well-disposedness, wish, wish to goodness, wish very much, woman, worship, would fain do, yearning, young man, zeal