List of lovely synonyms and lovely related words.
admirable, adorable, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing, agreeable, alluring, angelic, appealing, attractive, beaut, beauteous, beautiful, bewitching, bonny, captivating, caressable, charming, comely, cuddlesome, dainty, delectable, delicate, delightful, elegant, enchanting, endowed with beauty, engaging, enjoyable, enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, exquisite, eye-filling, eyeful, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, flowerlike, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, gracile, gratifying, handsome, heart-robbing, heavy, intriguing, inviting, irresistible, kissable, knockout, likable, looker, lovable, lovesome, luxurious, nice, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, prepossessing, pretty, pulchritudinous, rare, ravishing, satisfactory, satisfying, sensuous, seraphic, stunner, sweet, taking, tantalizing, tempting, thrilling, titillative, voluptuous, winning, winsome, witching