List of lump synonyms and lump related words.
abide, abide with, accumulation, acervation, agglomerate, agglomeration, aggregate, aggregation, allow, amassment, barrel, batch, bear, bear with, beard, bide, bilge, bit, blain, bleb, blend, blimp, blister, blob, block, body, boil, boss, bow, brave, brook, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulk, bulla, bump, bunch, bunion, burl, butt, butterfingers, button, cahot, cake, carbuncle, chine, chip, chunk, clabber, clip, clipping, clod, clot, clump, clumsy, cluster, coagulate, collect, collop, colophon, combine, comeuppance, concavity, concrete, concretion, condyle, congeal, congeries, conglobation, conglomerate, conglomeration, consolidate, convex, convexity, corn, crumb, cube, cumulation, curd, curdle, cut, cutting, cyst, dactylogram, dactylograph, dent, deserts, deserving, digest, dilatation, dilation, dint, distension, dollop, dowel, dub, due, duffer, ear, edema, embossment, end, endure, excrescence, fatty, fingerprint, flange, flap, footmark, footprint, footstep, foozler, fossil footprint, foul-up, fragment, fumble-fist, furuncle, gall, gathering, gawk, gel, gelatinate, gelatinize, glomeration, gnarl, gob, gobbet, goof, goofball, goofer, group, growth, handle, hang in, hang in there, hang tough, heap, heavy, heavyweight, hick, hill, hippo, hump, hunch, hunk, ichnite, ichnolite, impress, impression, imprint, incrassate, indent, indentation, indention, inspissate, intumescence, jell, jellify, jelly, jog, joggle, join, klutz, knob, knot, knur, knurl, lip, loaf, lobster, looby, loop, lopper, lot, lout, lubber, lummox, lump it, lump together, mass, merit, mix, modicum, moiety, mole, morsel, mountain, much, muff, muffer, nevus, node, nodule, nub, nubbin, nubble, nugget, oaf, pad, palooka, papilloma, paring, particle, pat, paw print, pawmark, peck, peg, persevere, piece, pile, pimple, pock, portion, potbelly, power, print, prominence, protrusion, protuberance, pug, pugmark, pustule, put together, put up with, quantity, rasher, rib, ridge, rights, ring, rising, roly-poly, rube, scoop, scrap, seal, sebaceous cyst, set, shard, shaving, shiver, shoulder, shred, sight, sigil, signet, slice, sliver, slob, smithereen, snack, snatch, snip, snippet, snowball, solid, solid body, spine, splinter, stamp, stand, stand for, step, stick, stitch, stockpile, stomach, stud, stumblebum, stumblebunny, stump, style, suffer, support, sustain, swagbelly, swallow, swell, swelling, swollenness, tab, take, take up with, tatter, thick, thicken, throw together, thumbmark, thumbprint, tolerate, tub, tub of lard, tubercle, tubercule, tumefaction, tumescence, tumidity, tumor, tun, turgescence, turgescency, turgidity, unite, verruca, vesicle, vestige, wad, wale, wart, wedge, welt, wen