List of luscious synonyms and luscious related words.
adorable, agreeable, ambrosial, appetizing, baroque, choice, cloying, dainty, darling, delectable, delicate, delicious, delightful, deluxe, distinctive, epicurean, exquisite, flamboyant, flavorsome, florid, good, good to eat, good-tasting, gustable, gusty, heavenly, juicy, likable, lush, luxuriant, luxurious, mawkish, mouth-watering, nectareous, nectarous, nice, of gourmet quality, opulent, oversweet, palatable, palatial, piquant, pleasant, pleasing, plush, rare, rich, rococo, saccharine, sapid, savorous, savory, scrumptious, sensual, sickly-sweet, succulent, sumptuous, sweet, tasty, toothsome, voluptuous, yummy