List of lyrical synonyms and lyrical related words.
Alcaic, Anacreontic, Castalian, Homeric, Hudibrastic, Pierian, Pindaric, Theocritean, achingly sweet, agreeable, agreeable-sounding, alto, appealing, ariose, arioso, bardic, baritone, bass, bravura, bucolic, canorous, cantabile, catchy, choral, choric, coloratura, didactic, dithyrambic, dramatic, dulcet, ebullient, eclogic, ecstatic, effusive, elegiac, emotional, encomiastic, enthusiastic, epic, euphonic, euphonious, euphonous, exuberant, falsetto, fine-toned, golden, golden-tongued, golden-voiced, heroic, honeyed, hymnal, idyllic, impassioned, liturgical, lyric, melic, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellisonant, mellow, melodic, melodious, mock-heroic, music-flowing, music-like, musical, narrative, operatic, panegyrical, pastoral, pleasant, pleasant-sounding, poetic, poetico-mystical, poetico-mythological, poetico-philosophic, poetlike, psalmic, psalmodial, psalmodic, rapturous, rhapsodic, rich, runic, sacred, sapphic, silver-toned, silver-tongued, silver-voiced, silvery, singable, singing, skaldic, songful, songlike, sonorous, soprano, sweet, sweet-flowing, sweet-sounding, tenor, treble, tunable, tuneful, vocal