List of macerate synonyms and macerate related words.
Sanforize, agonize, attenuate, bathe, bloody, brew, chew, claw, consume, convulse, crucify, crush, douche, drench, drouk, dry up, emacerate, emaciate, excruciate, flush, harrow, imbrue, imbue, impale, impregnate, infiltrate, infuse, inject, kill by inches, lacerate, lancinate, lave, leach, lixiviate, martyr, martyrize, mash, masticate, parch, percolate, permeate, preshrink, pulp, pulpify, punish, rack, rinse, rip, saturate, savage, scarify, sear, seethe, shrink, shrivel, smash, soak, sodden, sop, souse, squash, steep, thin, torment, torture, wash, waste, waste away, waterlog, weazen, wither, wizen, wring