List of machination synonyms and machination related words.
artifice, behind-the-scenes influence, cabal, chicane, chicanery, collusion, complicity, complot, confederacy, connivance, connivery, conspiracy, contrivance, contriving, counterplot, covin, deep-laid plot, design, designing, devices, dodgery, engineering, expedients, finagling, finesse, foul play, frame-up, gambit, game, influence, intrigue, intriguing, little game, maneuvering, maneuvers, manipulating, manipulation, move, pettifoggery, pettifogging, plot, plotting, ploy, political influence, practice, rigging, ruse, scheme, schemery, scheming, sharp practice, skulduggery, sleight, stratagem, supercherie, tactical maneuvers, tactics, trick, trickery, underhand dealing, underplot, web of intrigue, wile, wire-pulling