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malapropism synonyms and malapropism related words

Synonyms -> malapropism synonyms

List of malapropism synonyms and malapropism related words.

Irish bull, abuse of terms, acrostic, alliteration, allusion, amphibologism, amphiboly, anacoluthon, anadiplosis, anagram, analogy, anaphora, anastrophe, antiphrasis, antithesis, antonomasia, apophasis, aporia, aposiopesis, apostrophe, barbarism, bull, calembour, catachresis, chiasmus, circumlocution, climax, conversion, corruption, ecphonesis, emphasis, equivocality, equivoque, exclamation, fluff, folk etymology, gemination, grammatical error, hypallage, hyperbaton, hyperbole, hypercorrection, hyperform, infelicity, inversion, irony, jeu de mots, litotes, logogram, logogriph, malaprop, marrowsky, meiosis, metagram, metaphor, metonymy, misconstruction, mispronunciation, missaying, misusage, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, palindrome, paregmenon, parenthesis, paronomasia, periphrasis, personification, play on words, pleonasm, preterition, prolepsis, pun, punning, regression, repetition, sarcasm, simile, similitude, solecism, spoonerism, syllepsis, symploce, synecdoche, ungrammaticism, wordplay, zeugma