List of mania synonyms and mania related words.
aberration, abnormality, abstraction, abulia, alienation, an universal wolf, anxiety, anxiety equivalent, anxiety state, apathy, appetence, appetency, appetite, appetition, brain damage, brainsickness, bug, catatonic stupor, clouded mind, compulsion, coveting, craving, craze, craziness, crazy fancy, daftness, dejection, dementedness, dementia, depression, derangement, desire, detachment, disorientation, distraction, elation, emotionalism, enthusiasm, euphoria, fad, fanaticism, fancy, fascination, fixation, fixed idea, folie, folie du doute, frenzy, furor, furore, fury, hangup, hunger, hypochondria, hysteria, hysterics, idee fixe, indifference, infatuation, insaneness, insanity, insensibility, irrationality, itch, itching, lethargy, loss of mind, loss of reason, lunacy, madness, manic-depressive psychosis, melancholia, mental deficiency, mental derangement, mental disease, mental disorder, mental distress, mental disturbance, mental illness, mental instability, mental sickness, mind overthrown, mindsickness, obsession, oddness, overambitiousness, overanxiety, overanxiousness, overeagerness, overenthusiasm, overzealousness, passion, pathological indecisiveness, pixilation, possession, preoccupation, prurience, pruriency, psychalgia, psychomotor disturbance, queerness, rabidness, rage, reasonlessness, senselessness, sexual desire, shattered mind, sick mind, sickness, strangeness, stupor, thing, thirst, tic, twitching, unbalance, unbalanced mind, unresponsiveness, unsaneness, unsound mind, unsoundness, unsoundness of mind, urge, withdrawal, witlessness, yearning, yen, zealotism, zealotry