List of maxim synonyms and maxim related words.
Procrustean law, a belief, adage, aphorism, apophthegm, apothegm, article of faith, axiom, brocard, byword, canon, cliche, code, commandment, commonplace, convention, criterion, dictum, doctrine, dogma, epigram, form, formality, formula, formulary, general principle, gnome, golden rule, guideline, guiding principle, imperative, law, law of nature, mitzvah, moral, mot, motto, norm, norma, order of nature, ordinance, platitude, precept, prescribed form, prescript, prescription, principium, principle, proverb, regulation, rubric, rule, rule of thumb, saw, saying, set form, settled principle, slogan, standard, standing order, teaching, tenet, theorem, truism, universal law, witticism, working principle, working rule