List of mean synonyms and mean related words.
Herculean, Lenten, Mickey Mouse, OK, Spartan, abject, abominable, absolutely, abstemious, abstruse, abysmal, ace-high, add up to, affect, agency, agent, ailing, aim, aim at, allegorize, allude to, amidships, apparatus, approach, arduous, argue, arrant, ascetic, aspire after, aspire to, assets, assume, assuredly, at all events, at any cost, atrocious, attest, augur, austere, authoritarian, avenue, average, backing, bad, bad-tempered, baleful, banal, bang-up, base, base-minded, baseborn, be after, be construed as, be indicative of, be significant of, be symptomatic of, bearish, beggarly, below the salt, beneath contempt, bespeak, betoken, bigot, bigoted, bitchy, bonzer, borne, boss, brandish, breathe, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to mind, bring to notice, brutal, bully, bundle, but good, by all means, by dint of, by means of, by no means, by way of, cankered, cantankerous, capital, carry, center, central, certainly, channel, characterize, cheap, cheesy, churlish, close, closed, coarse, cockney, common, commonplace, communicate, complex, compromise, connote, constricted, contemplate, contemptible, convey, cool, core, corking, count, course, crabbed, crackerjack, cramped, cranky, creedbound, critical, cross, cross-grained, cruel, crummy, crusty, cussed, dandy, dangle, deaf, deaf to reason, debased, declasse, deficient, definitely, degenerate, degraded, delicate, delicious, demanding, demonstrate, denominate, denote, depraved, design, designate, desire, despicable, destine, determine, develop, diameter, diaphragm, differentiate, difficile, difficult, dirty, disagreeable, disclose, disgraceful, disgusting, dismal, disobliging, display, divine, divulge, donsie, dramatize, dreary, drive at, ducky, dwarfed, dwarfish, effective, embody, enact, entail, equator, equatorial, equidistant, equipment, estate, evidence, evince, exacting, excellent, exceptional, excitable, execrable, exhibit, exiguous, expect, expose to view, express, fab, fair, fairish, fanatical, fashion, feisty, fence, finances, fine and dandy, flagrant, flaunt, flourish, foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, formidable, fortune, foul, fourth-class, fractious, frugal, fulsome, funds, gaudy, gear, get across, get over, gimcracky, give evidence, give sign, give token, go for, golden mean, grave, great, groovy, gross, grudging, hack, hairy, half measures, half-and-half measures, halfway, halfway measures, happy medium, harbor a design, hard, hard-earned, hard-fought, harmful, hateful, have every intention, have in mind, have in view, heart, heavy, heinous, herald, hidebound, highlight, hint, hint at, holdings, homely, hope, hostile, hot, huffish, huffy, humble, humble-looking, humble-visaged, humblest, hunky-dory, identify, ignoble, ill-tempered, illiberal, illuminate, imperfect, implicate, imply, import, impoverished, in any case, in any event, in no way, inadequate, incarnate, incompetent, indicate, indifferent, indisposed, ineffectual, infer, inferior, inglorious, iniquitous, innocuous, insinuate, instrument, instrumentality, instrumentation, insufficient, insular, intangibles, intend, intercurrent, interior, interjacent, intermediary, intermediate, intervenient, intervening, intimate, intricate, invidious, involve, irascible, irregular, irritable, jam-up, jawbreaking, jejune, just dandy, keen, kernel, knotted, knotty, laborious, lean, least, limited, little, little-minded, low, low-class, low-down, low-grade, low-minded, low-quality, low-test, lowborn, lowbred, lowest, lowliest, lowly, lumpen, machinery, make clear, make plain, maladroit, malefic, maleficent, malicious, malign, malignant, mangy, manifest, manner, mark, marvy, materialize, meager, mean, mean to say, mean-minded, mean-spirited, means, measly, medial, median, mediocre, mediterranean, medium, menial, mercenary, meretricious, mesial, mesne, method, mezzo, mid, middle, middle course, middle ground, middle way, middle-of-the-road, middlemost, middling, midland, midmost, midriff, midships, midst, midway, mind, mingy, ministry, miserable, miserly, mode, moderate, moderateness, moderation, modest, money, moneybags, monstrous, name, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nasty, near, nearsighted, neat, nefarious, nest egg, neutral ground, nifty, niggard, niggardly, no matter what, no picnic, no way, nobby, nonclerical, norm, normal, not at all, not comparable, not easy, not in it, note, noxious, nuclear, nucleus, obnoxious, odious, of course, okay, on no account, operose, ordinary, organ, ornery, out of it, out of sight, paltry, par, parade, paraphernalia, parochial, parsimonious, pathetic, peachy, peachy-keen, penny-pinching, penurious, perform, perverse, pesky, petty, pile, pinchpenny, pitiable, pitiful, plain, plan, plebeian, pocket, point indirectly to, point to, poky, poor, portend, position, positively, possessions, prefigure, preindicate, presage, present, presign, presignal, presignify, presume, presuppose, pretypify, procedure, process, produce, project, proletarian, promise, property, propose, provincial, punk, puny, purblind, purport, purpose, purse, rank, refer to, represent, reptilian, reserves, resolve, resources, reveal, rigorous, ripping, roll out, rough, routine, rubbishy, rude, rugged, rum, run-down, sad, savings, scabby, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, scrubby, scruffy, scrumptious, scummy, scurvy, scuzzy, second-best, second-class, second-rate, seedy, servile, set, set forth, set with thorns, severe, shabby, shabby-genteel, shoddy, shortsighted, show, show forth, signal, signify, simple, skilled, skimp, skimpy, slap-up, slavish, sleazy, slender, slight, slim, small, small-minded, smashing, snappish, so-so, solid, something else, sordid, sorry, sour, spare, sparing, specify, spell, spiffing, spiffy, spiny, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, spotlight, squalid, stand for, standard, starvation, steep, stingy, stinted, stinting, straitened, straitlaced, strenuous, stuffy, stunning, stunted, submissive, subservient, subsistence, substance, suggest, support, suppose, surely, swell, symbolize, symptomatize, symptomize, system, tacky, take for granted, tatty, teachable, technique, testify, testy, thick, thick of things, thin, think, third-class, third-estate, third-rate, thorny, through, ticklish, tight, tight-fisted, tightfisted, tinny, toilsome, token, tough, trashy, tricky, trot out, troublous, trumpery, two-for-a-cent, two-for-a-penny, twopenny, twopenny-halfpenny, typify, ugly, unaccommodating, uncatholic, uncharitable, unchivalrous, undignified, undistinguished, unfold, ungenerous, ungenteel, unimportant, unkind, unliberal, unmentionable, unnourishing, unnutritious, unpleasant, unpretentious, unskillful, unwashed, uphill, using, usual, valueless, vehicle, vexatious, via, via media, vile, vulgar, waist, waistline, want, waspish, watered, watery, wave, way, ways, wealth, weigh, wherewithal, wicked, wish, without fail, wizard, wonderful, worthless, wretched, zone