List of meek synonyms and meek related words.
abject, accommodating, acquiescent, adapting, adaptive, adjusting, amenable, bland, broken, chastened, compliant, deferential, docile, domesticated, dovelike, forbearing, gentle, housebroken, humble, humble-minded, humble-spirited, humblehearted, lamblike, lenient, long-suffering, lowly, manageable, meek-minded, meek-spirited, meekhearted, mild, modest, obedient, pacific, passive, patient, peaceable, poor in spirit, quiet, reconciled, repressed, resigned, retiring, shy, spiritless, subdued, submissive, suppressed, tame, tamed, timid, tolerant, tractable, unambitious, unaspiring, unassuming, unboastful, uncomplaining, unimposing, unobtrusive, unostentatious, unpresuming, unpresumptuous, unpretending, unpretentious, unresisting, weak, yielding