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melancholy synonyms and melancholy related words

Synonyms -> melancholy synonyms

List of melancholy synonyms and melancholy related words.

absorption, abstraction, aching heart, agony, agony of mind, anguish, atrabiliar, atrabilious, bale, beetle-browed, bitterness, black, black-browed, blase, bleeding heart, blue, blues, boredness, boredom, bouderie, broken heart, brown study, cheerless, cheerlessness, close study, concentration, contemplativeness, crestfallen, crushing, dark, deep thought, dejected, dejectedness, dejection, depressed, depressing, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair, desperation, despondency, despondent, discomposing, disconsolate, disconsolateness, dismal, dispirited, dispiritedness, disquieting, disturbing, doleful, dolor, dolorous, dour, downcast, downhearted, downheartedness, dreary, dumpish, dumpishness, dumps, engrossment, ennui, extremity, fed-up, fed-upness, forlorn, frowning, funereal, funky, gentle melancholy, gloom, gloominess, gloomy, glowering, glum, glumness, good and tired, grief, grim, grimness, grum, grumness, heartache, heartbroken, heavy heart, heavyhearted, heavyheartedness, infelicity, irked, jaded, jadedness, joyless, lachrymose, lamentable, life-weariness, life-weary, low, low-spirited, lowering, lugubrious, lugubriousness, melancholia, melancholic, melancholiness, miserable, miserableness, misery, moanful, moodiness, moodish, moodishness, moody, mopey, moping, mopish, mopishness, morose, moroseness, mournful, mournfulness, mumpish, musing, pensive, pensiveness, perturbing, plaintive, preoccupation, profound thought, prostration, reflective, reflectiveness, reverie, romantic melancholy, rueful, sad, saddened, saddening, sadness, satiated, satiation, satiety, scowling, sick, sick of, somber, sombrous, sorrow, sorrowful, sorrowfulness, sorry, speculativeness, spleen, splenetic, study, suicidal despair, sulkiness, sulky, sullen, sullenness, surliness, surly, taedium vitae, tedium, thoughtful, thoughtfulness, tired, tired of, tired of living, tired to death, tiredness, triste, tristful, tristfulness, unhappiness, unhappy, wailful, wearied, weariful, wearifulness, weariness, weary, weary unto death, wistful, wistfulness, woe, woebegone, woeful, woefulness, world-weariness, world-weary, wretchedness