List of memento synonyms and memento related words.
arch, barrow, boundary stone, brass, bust, cairn, cenotaph, column, commemoration, cromlech, cross, cup, cyclolith, dolmen, favor, footstone, grave, gravestone, headstone, hoarstone, inscription, keepsake, marker, mausoleum, megalith, memento mori, mementos, memorabilia, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, memorials, memories, menhir, monolith, monument, mound, necrology, obelisk, obituary, pillar, plaque, prize, pyramid, relic, reliquary, remembrance, remembrancer, reminder, ribbon, rostral column, shadow, shaft, shrine, souvenir, stela, stone, stupa, tablet, testimonial, token, token of remembrance, tomb, tombstone, tope, trace, trophy