List of mercurial synonyms and mercurial related words.
active, activist, activistic, adrift, adroit, afloat, agile, alive, alternating, ambitendent, ambivalent, amorphous, animated, at loose ends, aureate, bouncing, bouncy, brass, brassy, brazen, breakneck, breezy, brisk, bronze, bronzy, bubbly, buoyant, capricious, changeable, changeful, changing, chipper, choppy, clever, copper, coppery, coquettish, cunning, cupreous, cuprous, dashing, desultory, deviable, deviating, deviative, deviatory, different, disorderly, divaricate, divergent, diversified, diversiform, dizzy, double-minded, double-quick, dubious, eagle-winged, ebullient, eccentric, effervescent, elastic, energetic, erose, erratic, expansive, expeditious, express, faddish, fast, fast and loose, fence-sitting, fence-straddling, ferrous, ferruginous, fickle, fitful, fleet, flickering, flighty, flirtatious, flitting, fluctuating, flying, freakish, frisky, full of go, full of life, full of pep, galloping, giddy, gilt, gold, gold-filled, gold-plated, golden, hair-trigger, hasty, headlong, hustling, impetuous, impulsive, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, infirm, infirm of purpose, ingenious, iron, ironlike, irregular, irresolute, irresolved, irresponsible, jagged, jerky, lead, leaden, light, light of heel, light-footed, live, lively, lubricious, mazy, mercurous, militant, mobile, moody, motley, movable, mugwumpian, mugwumpish, mutable, nickel, nickelic, nickeline, nimble, nimble-footed, nonconformist, nonstandard, nonuniform, of two minds, peppy, perky, pert, pewter, pewtery, pluralistic, precipitate, prompt, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, quicksilver, ragged, rambling, rapid, reckless, resilient, restless, rough, roving, running, scatterbrained, shapeless, shifting, shifty, shuffling, silver, silver-plated, silvery, skittish, smacking, snappy, spanking, spasmodic, speedy, spineless, spirited, sporadic, sprightly, spry, steel, steely, swift, temperamental, ticklish, tin, tinny, toying, unaccountable, uncertain, uncontrolled, undecided, undependable, undetermined, undisciplined, unequable, unequal, uneven, unfixed, unorthodox, unpredictable, unreliable, unresolved, unrestrained, unsettled, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsystematic, ununiform, vacillating, vagrant, variable, variegated, variform, various, varying, versatile, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, vivacious, volatile, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, whimsical, winged, wishy-washy, zingy