List of meteoric synonyms and meteoric related words.
Cynthian, ablaze, aflame, anagalactic, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, blazing, brief, brilliant, brisk, burning, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, cometary, dazzling, empyreal, empyrean, ephemeral, equinoctial, evanescent, extragalactic, flaming, flaring, flashing, flashy, fleet, fleeting, flickering, fulgurant, fulgurating, galactic, heavenly, heliacal, impermanent, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, meteoritic, momentary, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, overnight, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, quick, semilunar, sensational, short, short and sweet, short-lived, short-term, short-termed, sidereal, solar, spectacular, speedy, sphery, star-spangled, star-studded, starry, stellar, stellary, swift, temporary, terrestrial, transient, transitory, uranic, zodiacal