List of microfilm synonyms and microfilm related words.
Flexowriter typewriter, Photostat, Teleplotter, X-ray, Xerox, alphabetical printer, backing, bibliofilm, bipack, black-and-white film, bulletin board, calotype, capture on film, card, cartridge, catalog card, clone, color film, color negative film, copy, digital graph plotter, disc, ditto, dope, double, dry plate, dupe, duplicate, emulsion, facsimile, file, filing card, film, frame, hard copy, hectograph, index card, library catalog, magnetic recorder, magnetic tape, manifold, microcard, microcards, microcopy, microdot, microfiche, mimeo, mimeograph, monochromatic film, motion-picture film, mug, multigraph, negative, orthochromatic film, oscillograph recorder, oscilloscope, pack, pan, panchromatic film, phonograph record, photograph, photographic paper, photomap, plate, platter, printing paper, printout, punch cards, punched tape, quadruplicate, radiograph, reader, readout, recorder, reduplicate, relay register, replicate, reproduce, roentgenograph, roll, scoreboard, scorecard, scoresheet, shoot, slip, snap, snapshoot, snapshot, sound film, sound track, sound-on-film, soundstripe, stat, take a photograph, talbotype, tape, tape reader, teletypewriter, ticker tape, trace, transcribe, tripack, triplicate, vehicle, videotape