List of mind synonyms and mind related words.
Mnemosyne, affect memory, aim, ambition, ambivalent, anima, anima humana, animadvert, animus, anterograde memory, appetence, appetency, appetite, aptitude, ardor, aspiration, assumption, astral body, astuteness, atavism, atman, attend, attend to, attend to orders, attention, attitude, ba, baby-sit, babysit, balk at, bawl out, be concerned, be resolved, be unwilling, begrudge, behold, belief, bent, berate, beware, bias, brain, brains, breath, breath of life, bring back, bring to mind, buddhi, call back, call to mind, call up, capacity, care, care for, cast, castigate, chaperon, character, chastise, cherish, chew out, choice, choose, cite, climate of opinion, coconscious, cognizance, collective memory, collective unconscious, command, common belief, community sentiment, comply, computer memory, conation, conatus, conceit, concentration, concept, conception, conclude, conclusion, concupiscence, conform, conjure up, conscience, conscious self, consciousness, consensus gentium, conserve, consider, consideration, constitution, contemplate, conviction, counsel, crazy, cue, curiosity, death instinct, decide, decision, deem, defer to, descry, desideration, desideratum, design, desire, determination, determine, diathesis, dig, disapprove of, discern, discipline, discourse of reason, discretion, discursive reason, disk memory, dislike, disposition, disregard, divine breath, dress down, drive, drum memory, eagerness, eccentricity, effect, ego, ego ideal, ego-id conflict, emotional response, engram, enjoy, esprit, espy, estimate, estimation, ethical self, ethos, evoke, excogitate, eye, faculty, fancy, fantasy, feeling, fixed purpose, follow, follow the book, foreconscious, forget, form an opinion, foster, frame, frame of mind, free choice, free will, function, general belief, genius, get miffed, go, go back, go back over, govern, grain, gray matter, gross body, grudge, guard, hark back, harken to, have a care, head, headpiece, heart, heed, hope, horme, humor, id, idea, idiosyncrasy, ignore, impression, inclination, individualism, insane, insight, intellect, intellection, intellectual, intellectual curiosity, intellectual faculty, intelligence, intendment, intent, intention, jiva, jivatma, judge, judgement, judgment, kama, keep, keep watch over, khu, kidney, kinesthetic memory, leaning, libidinal energy, libido, lie low, life principle, lights, like, liking, linga sharira, listen to, look, look about one, look after, look back, look out, look out for, look sharp, look to, lucidity, lust, lust for learning, mad, make, makeup, manas, manes, marbles, mark, matronize, mean, meaning, memory, memory bank, memory circuit, memory trace, mens, mental capacity, mental set, mentality, mettle, mind-set, mneme, mold, mood, morale, mother, motive, motive force, mystique, nature, need, nephesh, never mind, nisus, not care to, not feel like, note, notice, notion, nous, nurse, nurture, obey, obey the rules, object to, objective, observance, observation, observe, opinion, oversee, passion, pay attention, pay attention to, perceive, perception, percipience, perpend, persona, personal judgment, personality, persuasion, physical body, plan, plans, pleasure, pleasure principle, pneuma, point, point of view, ponder, popular belief, position, posture, power, power of reason, prana, preconscious, predilection, predisposition, preference, preserve, presumption, prevailing belief, primitive self, principle of desire, proclivity, project, propensity, proposal, propose, prospectus, protege, provide for, psyche, psychic apparatus, public belief, public opinion, purpose, purusha, qui vive, race memory, racial unconscious, rail at, ratio, rationality, reaction, reason, reasoning, reasoning faculty, rebuke, recall, recall to mind, recapture, reck, recollect, recollection, reevoke, reflect, regard, relish, remark, remember, remembrance, remind, reminisce, reprimand, reproach, reprove, resent, resolution, resolve, retain, retrace, retrospect, review, review in retrospect, revive, ride herd on, ruach, sagacity, sage, sake, saneness, sanity, sapience, scold, screen memory, see, see after, see in retrospect, see to, self, sense, senses, sentiment, set, sexual desire, shade, shadow, shepherd, shilly-shallying, shrewdness, sight, skill, skin alive, slant, slough off, smarts, soul, soundness, souvenir, spirit, spirits, spiritual being, spiritus, stamp, stance, state of mind, stay in line, sthula sharira, strain, streak, stripe, striving, study, subconscious, subconscious mind, subliminal, subliminal self, submerged mind, submit, summon up, superego, superintend, supervise, support, take amiss, take an interest, take care, take care of, take charge of, take heed, take ill, take note, take note of, take notice, take offense, take orders, take to heart, take umbrage, tape memory, tell off, temper, temperament, tend, tendency, the self, theory, think, think back, think of, thinker, thinking, thirst for knowledge, thought, thoughts, toe the line, tone, turn, turn of mind, twist, type, uncertain, unconscious, unconscious mind, undecided, understanding, unsure, upbraid, urge, use hindsight, vacillating, vein, velleity, verbal response, view, viewpoint, visual memory, vital force, vital impulse, volition, want, wanting, warp, watch, watch out, watch out for, watch over, wavering, way of thinking, weigh, will, will and pleasure, will power, wisdom, wish, wish fulfillment, wit, wits, would rather not