List of minister synonyms and minister related words.
DD, Doctor of Divinity, Holy Joe, abbe, accommodate, administer the Eucharist, agent, aid, alderman, ambassador, ambassadress, anoint, apostolic delegate, archon, assist, attache, bailie, burghermaster, burgomaster, cabinet member, cabinet minister, care for, career diplomat, chancellor, chaplain, charge, chrism, churchman, city councilman, city father, city manager, clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, clerical, clerk, commercial attache, commissar, commissary, commissionaire, commissioner, confirm, consul, consul general, consular agent, councillor, councilman, councilwoman, county commissioner, county supervisor, curate, cure, dean, delegate, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatic agent, diplomatist, divine, do duty, ecclesiastic, elder, emissary, envoy, envoy extraordinary, evangelist, father, foreign service officer, headman, help, herald, impose, induna, internuncio, lay hands on, legate, legislator, look after, lord mayor, magistrate, maire, man of God, mayor, messenger, military attache, military chaplain, minister of state, minister plenipotentiary, minister resident, minister to, missionary, nuncio, officiate, padre, parson, pastor, perform a rite, perform service, plenipotentiary, portreeve, preacher, priest, rector, reeve, resident, reverend, secretary, secretary of legation, secretary of state, see to, selectman, servant of God, serve, shepherd, sky pilot, supervisor, supply, supply clergy, supply minister, support, syndic, the Reverend, the very Reverend, tonsured cleric, undersecretary, vicar, vice-consul, vice-legate, wait on, warden