List of minor synonyms and minor related words.
academic specialty, adolescent, area, average, baby, back-burner, boy, budding, callow, casual, child, classical education, common, core curriculum, course, course of study, curriculum, demeaning, dependent, dewy, dinky, disadvantaged, discipline, dispensable, dominant, elective, fair, field, fledgling, general education, general studies, girl, green, growing, hopeful, humanities, humble, immaterial, immature, impubic, in the shade, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, indifferent, inessential, inexperienced, infant, inferior, infra dig, ingenuous, innocent, insignificant, intact, irrelevant, juicy, junior, juvenal, juvenile, key, key signature, keynote, lad, laddie, lass, lassie, less, lesser, liberal arts, light, little, low, lower, lowly, major, major key, mediant, mediocre, medium, middling, minute, modest, naive, negligible, new-fledged, nonessential, not vital, obscure, one-horse, ordinary, paltry, pedal point, petit, petty, picayune, piddling, proseminar, pubescent, quadrivium, raw, refresher course, ripening, sapling, sappy, schoolboy, schoolgirl, scientific education, second rank, second string, second-rate, secondary, seminar, servile, shoestring, slight, slip, small, small-beer, small-fry, small-time, smaller, specialty, sprig, stripling, study, sub, subaltern, subdiscipline, subdominant, subject, submediant, subordinate, subservient, subsidiary, subtonic, supertonic, technical, technical education, teenager, teener, teenybopper, tender, third rank, third string, tonality, tonic, tonic key, trifling, trivial, trivium, two-bit, unadult, underage, underprivileged, undeveloped, undistinguished, unessential, unfledged, unformed, unimportant, unimpressive, unlicked, unmellowed, unnoteworthy, unnoticeable, unripe, unseasoned, vernal, virginal, vulgar, ward, young hopeful, young person, younger, youngest, youngling, youngster, youth