List of monument synonyms and monument related words.
antenna tower, arch, archives, barbican, barrow, belfry, bell tower, bench mark, bookmark, boundary stone, brass, bust, cairn, campanile, carving, catstone, cenotaph, colossus, column, commemorate, commemoration, cromlech, cross, cup, cupola, cyclolith, derrick, doll, dolly, dolmen, dome, dummy, evidence, example, exemplar, fantoccini, figure, figurehead, figurine, fire tower, footstone, gingerbread man, grave, gravestone, headstone, hoarstone, inscription, landmark, lantern, lay figure, ledger, lighthouse, lightship, man of straw, manikin, mannequin, marionette, mark, marker, martello, martello tower, mast, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, milepost, milestone, minaret, model, monolith, monumentalize, mound, necrology, obelisk, obituary, observation tower, pagoda, pharos, pilaster, pillar, pinnacle, plaque, platform, pole, portrait bust, prize, puppet, pylon, pyramid, record, reliquary, remembrance, ribbon, rostral column, scarecrow, sculpture, seamark, shaft, shrine, skyscraper, snowman, spire, standpipe, statuary, statue, statuette, steeple, stela, stone, stupa, tablet, television mast, testament, testimonial, testimony, token, tomb, tombstone, tope, tour, tower, tribute, trophy, turret, watchtower, water tower, wax figure, waxwork, windmill tower, witness, wood carving