List of moor synonyms and moor related words.
affix, agricultural region, alight, alkali flat, alluvial plain, anchor, annex, anthill, arable land, attach, barrow, basin, batten, batten down, baygall, belay, berth, billet at, bind, bivouac, black belt, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, brae, bridle, buffalo wallow, burrow, bushveld, butte, camp, campo, cast anchor, catch, cement, chain, champaign, champaign country, cinch, citrus belt, clamp, clinch, coastal plain, colonize, come to anchor, come to land, corn belt, cotton belt, countryside, cramp, debark, debus, delta, deplane, desert, detrain, disembark, disemplane, dock, domesticate, down, downs, drop anchor, drop the hook, drumlin, dune, dust bowl, enchain, engraft, ensconce, entrammel, establish residence, everglade, farm belt, farm country, farmland, fasten, fasten down, fell, fen, fenland, fetter, fix, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, foothills, fruit belt, glade, go ashore, graft, grapple, grass roots, grass veld, grassland, grazing region, gyve, hamper, handcuff, heath, highland, highlands, hill, hillock, hive, hobble, hog wallow, hog-tie, holm, hopple, hummock, inhabit, kedge, kedge off, keep house, knit, knob, knoll, land, lande, lash, lash and tie, lay anchor, leash, level, live at, llano, locate, lowland, lowlands, lunar mare, make a landfall, make fast, make land, make port, make secure, make sure, manacle, marais, mare, marish, marsh, marshland, meadow, meadows and pastures, mere, mesa, mesilla, mire, molehill, monticle, monticule, moorland, moors, morass, moss, mound, move, mud, mud flat, nest, open country, pampa, pampas, park, peat bog, peg down, peneplain, people, perch, picket, pin down, pinion, plain, plains, plateau, playa, populate, prairie, prairies, province, provinces, put in, put in irons, put into port, put to, quagmire, quicksand, reach land, relocate, reside, restrain, rolling country, roost, rope, rural district, rustic region, salt flat, salt marsh, salt pan, sand dune, savanna, screw up, sebkha, secure, set, set to, set up housekeeping, set up shop, settle, settle down, shackle, sit down, slob land, slough, sough, squat, stand, stay at, steppe, steppes, straitjacket, strap, strike root, sump, swale, swamp, swampland, swell, table, tableland, taiga, take residence at, take root, take up residence, tether, the country, the soil, the sticks, tie, tie down, tie up, tighten, tobacco belt, trammel, tree veld, trice up, trim, tundra, unboat, upland, uplands, vega, veld, wallow, wash, wasteland, weald, wheat belt, wide-open spaces, wold, woodland, woods and fields, yokeldom