List of move synonyms and move related words.
accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, acquit, act, acta, action, activate, activity, actuate, actuation, ad hoc measure, admonish, advance, advancing, adventure, advocate, affect, agitate, alteration, anchor, animate, annoy, answer, approach, arouse, art, artful dodge, artifice, ascend, assay, attempt, awake, awaken, back, back up, be, bear, begin, behave, bend, bias, bid, billet at, bivouac, blind, blow, blow the coals, blow up, bowl, break the ice, breathe, bring, bring before, bring forward, bring up, broach, budge, bunt, burrow, busy, butt, call forth, call up, camp, caper, carry, carry away, carry off, cart away, caution, change, change place, change-over, charge, chicanery, circle, climb, close out, colonize, color, come along, come home to, come on, come to anchor, commence, commend to attention, commute, compel, comport, conduct, conspiracy, contrivance, convert into cash, convey, countermove, coup, course, course of action, cover ground, crack, craft, cut under, cute trick, dealings, decamp, deceit, deed, delocalize, demarche, demean, depart, deport, descend, design, device, dislocate, dislodge, displace, dispose, disquiet, disturb, do, dodge, doing, doings, domesticate, drive, drive on, drop anchor, dump, dynamics, ebb, effect a sale, effort, emigrate, encourage, endeavor, energize, enjoin, enkindle, enrage, ensconce, enterprise, essay, establish residence, excite, exhort, exist, exit, expedient, experiment, exploit, expostulate, fait accompli, fakement, fan, fan the fire, fan the flame, fare, fare forth, feat, feed the fire, feint, fetch, fire, flame, fling, flit, flow, foment, force, forward, foster, frenzy, function, gain ground, galvanize, gambit, game, gang, gather head, gather way, gest, gesticulation, gesture, get, get ahead, get along, get away, get cracking, get going, get moving, get off, get on, get over, get under way, gimmick, give an impetus, give momentum, go, go ahead, go along, go around, go deep, go fast, go forward, go off, go on, go round, go sideways, go through one, goad, going, grieve, grift, gyrate, hand, handiwork, hasten, heat, hie, hive, hurry, impassion, impel, impress, improvisation, in transit, incense, incite, incline, induce, inflame, influence, infuriate, inhabit, inspire, intrigue, introduce, issue a caveat, job, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, keep house, key up, kindle, kinematics, kinesipathy, kinesis, kinesitherapy, kinetics, knavery, last expedient, last resort, last shift, lather up, launch, lay aside, lay before, lead, leave, lick, light the fuse, light up, little game, live, live at, locate, madden, make, make a motion, make a move, make a sale, make good time, make haste, make head against, make headway, make off, make progress, make progress against, make strides, make up leeway, makeshift, maneuver, manhandle, march, market, means, measure, melt, melt the heart, merchandise, misbehave, mobilization, mobilize, modification, moor, moot, motion, motivate, motivation, mount, move along, move away, move forward, move on, move out, move over, move to action, movement, moving, nest, nudge, occupied, offer, offer a resolution, on the go, on the move, on the road, on the run, on the way, open up, operate, operation, opportunity, overexcite, overt act, park, pass, pass along, pass on, passage, pedal, penetrate, people, perch, performance, persuade, pierce, pique, pis aller, play, plot, ploy, plunge, pole, populate, pose, postulate, power, practice, preach, predispose, prefer, prevail, procedure, proceed, proceeding, prod, production, progress, progressing, promote, prompt, propel, propose, proposition, propound, provoke, pull out, pull up stakes, push, put aside, put forth, put forward, put in motion, put it to, quicken, racket, reach, recommend, red herring, regress, relocate, relocation, remind, remonstrate, removal, remove, replace, res gestae, resell, reside, resort, resource, restlessness, retail, retrogress, rise, roll, roll on, roost, rotate, rouse, row, ruffle, run, running, ruse, rush, sacrifice, sadden, sashay, scheme, sell, sell off, sell on consignment, sell out, sell over, sell retail, sell short, sell up, sell wholesale, send, serve, set agoing, set aside, set astir, set before, set fire to, set forth, set going, set in motion, set on fire, set up housekeeping, set up shop, settle, settle down, shake up, shake-up, shift, ship, shot, shove, shunt, side, sink, sit down, sleight, smart, smite, soar, soften, soften up, solution, spark, spin, spur, squat, stab, stand, start, stay at, steam up, stem, step, step forward, stimulate, sting, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir the feelings, stir up, stirring, stop, stopgap, stratagem, strategy, stream, strike, strike root, stroke, stroke of policy, strong bid, stunt, submit, subside, subsist, subterfuge, succeeding, suggest, summon up, supersede, supplant, sway, sweep, sweep along, tactic, take away, take off, take residence at, take root, take up residence, temporary expedient, tentative, thing, thing done, thrust, time, tinge, tone, touch, touch a chord, tour de force, transaction, transfer, transmit, transport, travel, treadle, trial, trial and error, trick, trickery, troll, trump, trundle, try, turn, turn into money, turn on, turn over, undercut, undersell, undertaking, unload, unrest, up, upset, urge, variation, velocity, wake, wake up, waken, wane, warm, warm the blood, warn, wayfare, wear down, weigh with, wend, whack, whip on, whip up, whirl, wholesale, wile, wily device, withdraw, work, work into, work up, working, working hypothesis, working proposition, works