List of mucked up synonyms and mucked up related words.
Byzantine, anarchic, arsy-varsy, ass-backwards, balled up, bollixed up, buggered, buggered up, chaotic, complex, complicated, confounded, confused, convoluted, cooked, crabbed, daedal, devious, elaborate, embrangled, entangled, fouled up, galley-west, gummed up, hashed up, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hugger-mugger, implicated, in a mess, intricate, involuted, involved, jumbled, knotted, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, loused up, many-faceted, matted, mazy, meandering, messed up, mixed up, muddled, multifarious, perplexed, queered, ramified, roundabout, scattered, screwed up, shot, skimble-skamble, snafu, snafued, snarled, snarled up, subtle, sunk, tangled, tangly, topsy-turvy, twisted, upside-down