List of mugwump synonyms and mugwump related words.
Fabian policy, Micawberism, Milquetoast, anythingarian, apostate, backslider, backwardness, big boy, big chief, big shot, bigwig, bolter, collaborationist, collaborator, convert, defector, deserter, dilatoriness, fence-sitter, fifth columnist, free lance, free spirit, free trader, freethinker, heavyweight, hesitation, high-muck-a-muck, hold-off, independent, individualist, isolationist, jellyfish, latitudinarian, laxness, leader, liberal, libertarian, libertine, lion, nabob, neuter, neutral, nonpartisan, nothingarian, procrastination, proselyte, quisling, recidivist, recreant, remissness, renegade, renegado, renegate, reversionist, rugged individualist, runagate, schismatic, seceder, secessionist, separatist, shilly-shally, slackness, slowness, stall, strikebreaker, swing vote, temporization, tergiversant, tergiversator, third force, third world, traitor, turnabout, turncoat, turntail, uncommitted voter, waverer, weakling, wobbler