List of mule synonyms and mule related words.
Cape Colored, Eurasian, Siberian husky, ass, bastard, beast of burden, bigot, bitter-ender, bullethead, camel, cattalo, citrange, cross, crossbred, crossbreed, diehard, dogmatist, donkey, draft animal, dromedary, elephant, fanatic, griffe, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, hardnose, high yellow, hinny, horse, husky, hybrid, intransigeant, intransigent, jennet, jenny, ladino, last-ditcher, liger, llama, malamute, manlike, manly, masculine, maverick, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metis, metisse, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mulatto, mustee, octoroon, ox, pack horse, perverse fool, pighead, plumcot, positivist, purist, quadroon, quintroon, reindeer, sambo, silkworm, sledge dog, spider, spinner, spinning frame, spinning jenny, spinster, standpat, standpatter, stickler, sumpter, sumpter horse, sumpter mule, tangelo, throstle, tigon, zebrass, zebrule