List of mummy synonyms and mummy related words.
ashes, biscuit, body, bone, bones, cadaver, carcass, carrion, clay, corpse, corpus delicti, cracker, crowbait, dam, dead body, dead man, dead person, decedent, dry bones, dry up, dust, earth, embalmed corpse, food for worms, foster mother, genetrix, late lamented, ma, mam, mama, mammy, mater, materfamilias, maternal ancestor, matriarch, mom, mommy, mortal remains, mother, mummification, mummify, old lady, organic remains, parchment, relics, reliquiae, remains, shrivel, skeleton, stepmother, stick, stiff, tenement of clay, the dead, the deceased, the defunct, the departed, the loved one, the old woman, welter, wilt, wizen