List of mushy synonyms and mushy related words.
baccate, bathetic, beery, bland, boggy, changeable, cloudy, cloying, corny, doughy, flabby, fleshy, foggy, gooey, gushing, halfhearted, indecisive, infirm of purpose, infirm of will, insipid, irresolute, macerated, masticated, maudlin, mawkish, milk-and-water, milky, miry, misty, namby-pamby, neutral, nostalgic, nostomanic, oversentimental, oversentimentalized, pappy, pasty, pithy, pulpal, pulpar, pulped, pulplike, pulpy, quaggy, romantic, saccharine, sappy, schmaltzy, sentimental, sentimentalized, sloppy, slushy, soft, soppy, spongy, squashy, squelchy, squishy, squushy, sticky, succulent, sugary, swampy, syrupy, tasteless, tear-jerking, teary, vague, vapid, vaporous, vapory, watery, wet, wishy-washy