List of mysterious synonyms and mysterious related words.
able, abstruse, ambiguous, amphibological, amphibolous, anagogic, arcane, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, baffling, beclouded, bewildering, bizarre, blind, bothering, buried, cabalic, cabalistic, censored, classified, close, closed, clouded, concealed, confounding, confusing, covered, covert, cryptic, curious, dark, discomposing, disconcerting, dismaying, distracting, disturbing, eclipsed, eerie, embarrassing, enigmatic, enwrapped in mystery, equivocal, equivocatory, esoteric, extramundane, extraterrestrial, fey, furtive, hermetic, hid, hidden, hush-hush, hypernormal, hyperphysical, impenetrable, in a cloud, in a fog, in eclipse, in purdah, in the wings, incalculable, incognizable, incommunicado, incomprehensible, indefinable, inexplicable, inextricable, inscrutable, insoluble, insolvable, intricate, ironic, latent, metaphysic, multivocal, mystic, mystical, mystifying, numinous, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, occult, otherworldly, perplexing, perturbing, polysemantic, polysemous, preterhuman, preternatural, preternormal, pretersensual, problematic, psychic, puzzling, recondite, restricted, sealed, secluded, secluse, secret, sequestered, smothered, spiritual, stifled, strange, superhuman, supernatural, supernormal, superphysical, supersensible, supersensual, suppressed, supramundane, supranatural, theosophical, theosophist, top secret, transcendental, transmundane, ulterior, unaccountable, unapparent, unapprehended, unascertained, unbeknown, unbreatheable, uncanny, uncertain, uncharted, unclassified, unclear, undefinable, under an eclipse, under cover, under house arrest, under security, under wraps, underground, undisclosable, undisclosed, undiscoverable, undiscovered, undivulgable, undivulged, unearthly, unexplainable, unexplained, unexplored, unexposed, unfamiliar, unfathomable, unfathomed, ungraspable, unguessed, unheard, unheard-of, unhuman, unidentified, unintelligible, uninterpretable, uninvestigated, unknowable, unknown, unperceived, unplumbed, unrevealable, unrevealed, unsolvable, unspoken, unsuspected, untellable, untold, untouched, unutterable, unuttered, unwhisperable, unworldly, upsetting, virgin, weird, wrapped in clouds