List of name synonyms and name related words.
Christian name, Establishment, VIP, acclaim, advert to, advertise, alias, allude to, announce, appellation, appellative, appoint, assign, baptismal name, baptize, baron, be taken as, big, big cheese, big gun, big man, big name, big shot, big-league, big-name, big-time, bigwig, bigwigged, binomen, binomial name, brass, brass hat, byname, byword, call, call to mind, celebrity, character, choose, christen, cite, cite a particular, cognomen, consequential, considerable, constellation, cryptonym, cynosure, declare, define, delegate, demonstrate, denominate, denomination, denote, designate, designation, determine, dignitary, dignity, distinction, document, double-barreled, dub, earthshaking, eclat, elder, elect, emblematize, eminence, empty title, entitle, epithet, eponym, esteem, euonym, example, exemplify, fame, famousness, father, favor, figure, finger, fix, folk hero, forename, galaxy, give a for-instance, glory, grand, great, great man, handle, heavyweight, hero, heroine, high regard, high-powered, honor, honorific, hyponym, identify, idol, illustrate, immortal, important, important person, incognito, indicate, instance, interests, itemize, kudos, label, lion, lords of creation, luminaries, luminary, magnate, major, make, man of mark, mark, master spirit, material, mention, mogul, momentous, moniker, nabob, name for office, namesake, nickname, nom de guerre, nomen, nomen nudum, nominate, notability, notable, notoriety, notoriousness, ordain, ordinate, panjandrum, particularize, person of note, person of renown, personage, personality, pet name, pick out, pillar of society, pin down, pinpoint, pleiad, point at, point out, point to, pop hero, popular hero, popular idol, popularity, power, power elite, prestige, prominence, proper name, proper noun, propose, public figure, publicity, publish, put up, quote, rank, rating, reclame, recognition, recognize, refer to, renown, report, reputation, repute, respect, rubric, ruling circle, run, run for office, sachem, scientific name, secret name, select, self-important, set, significant, signify, sobriquet, social lion, somebody, something, specialize, specify, stand for, standing, star, state, stigmatize, stipulate, style, submit, substantial, superior, superiority, superstar, symbol, symbolize, tab, tag, tap, tautonym, term, the bubble reputation, the great, the top, ticket, title, top brass, top people, trinomen, trinomial name, tycoon, typify, very important person, vogue, world-shaking, worthy