List of narrow synonyms and narrow related words.
Lenten, Quakerish, Spartan, Victorian, abate, abbreviate, abstemious, accented, accurate, adjust to, alter, alveolar, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, ascetic, assimilated, assuage, attentive, attenuated, austere, authoritarian, back, badly off, barytone, be into, be strong in, bigot, bigoted, bilabial, borne, bound, bounded, box, box in, box up, broad, cacuminal, careful, censorious, central, cerebral, channel, checked, chinchy, circumscribe, circumscribed, close, close-fitting, closed, coarct, compact, compress, concentrate, condense, condition, conditioned, confine, confined, confining, conscientious, consolidate, consonant, consonantal, constrict, constricted, constringe, contain, continuant, contract, copyright, copyrighted, correct, cramp, cramped, creedbound, critical, crowded, curtail, deaf, deaf to reason, decrease, delicate, demanding, demure, denotative, dental, detailed, determinate, diminish, discipline, disciplined, dissimilated, distill, distressed, dorsal, down to bedrock, draw, draw in, draw the line, draw together, dwarfed, dwarfish, embarrassed, ethnocentric, exact, exacting, exceptional, excluding, exclusive, exclusory, exigent, exiguous, exquisite, fanatical, feature, feeling the pinch, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, finite, fixed, flat, focus, follow, front, frugal, fussy, glide, glossal, glottal, go in, go in for, guttural, hairbreadth, hard, hard up, heavy, hedge, hedge about, hem, hem in, hidebound, high, ill off, illiberal, impecunious, impoverished, in Queer Street, in narrow circumstances, in reduced circumstances, in straitened circumstances, inadmissible, incapacious, incommodious, ineffectual, inexorable, inflexible, insular, intolerant, intonated, isthmian, isthmic, jejune, keep from spreading, keep within bounds, knit, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, land-poor, lateral, lax, lean, leaven, lessen, light, limit, limited, lingual, liquid, little, little-minded, localize, low, lucky, major in, meager, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, mercenary, meticulous, mid, mid-Victorian, mingy, minor in, minute, miserly, mitigate, moderate, moderated, modify, modulate, monophthongal, muted, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, narrowed, narrowing, narrows, nasal, nasalized, near, nearsighted, nice, niggard, niggardly, obdurate, occlusive, old-maidish, on the edge, open, out of pocket, overmodest, oversimplify, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, palliate, paltry, parochial, parsimonious, particular, passage, patent, patented, petty, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pinched, pitch, pitched, poor, poorly off, posttonic, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, preclusive, prescribed, prescriptive, preventive, priggish, prim, prohibitive, proscribed, provincial, prudish, pucker, pucker up, punctilious, punctual, puny, purblind, purify, puritanical, purse, pursue, qualified, qualify, reduce, reduce to elements, reduced, refine, refined, register, regulate by, religious, restrain, restrict, restricted, restrictive, retroflex, rigid, rigorous, rounded, sanctimonious, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, scrupulous, scrutinizing, searching, season, seclusive, segregative, select, selective, semivowel, separative, set, set conditions, set limits, sharp, short, short of cash, short of funds, shorten, shortsighted, simplify, skimp, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, small, small-minded, smug, snape, snobbish, soft, soften, solidify, sonant, spare, sparing, specialize, specialize in, squeezed, starvation, stiff-necked, stingy, stint, stinted, stopped, strait, straiten, straitened, straitlaced, straits, strangle, strangulate, strapped, streamline, stressed, strict, strip down, strong, stuffy, stunted, subsistence, subtle, surd, syllabic, taper, tapering, temper, tense, thick, thin, throaty, tight, tight-fisted, tighten, tonal, tonic, twangy, unaccented, uncatholic, uncharitable, ungenerous, unliberal, unmoneyed, unnourishing, unnutritious, unprosperous, unrounded, unstressed, velar, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, watered, watery, weak, wide, wrinkle, xenophobic