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near synonyms and near related words

Synonyms -> near synonyms

List of near synonyms and near related words.

about, about to be, abutting, accost, adjacent, adjoining, advance, advancing, all but, almost, along toward, already in sight, among, angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, anticipate, ape, appear like, approach, approaching, appropinquate, approximate, approximating, approximative, arm-in-arm, around, as good as, aside, at, at close quarters, at hand, at next hand, attached, attracted to, avaricious, await, be destined, be fated, be imminent, be in store, be like, be redolent of, be to be, be to come, bear down on, bear down upon, bear resemblance, bear up, beside, bordering on, brew, brewing, bring to mind, burning, by, call to mind, call up, cheap, cheek-by-jowl, circa, circumscribed, close, close about, close at hand, close by, close in, close to, close upon, close with, close-by, close-fitting, closefisted, closely, come, come close, come closer, come forward, come near, come on, come up, coming, comparable, compare with, confined, confront, connected, constricted, contiguous, converge, copy, correspond, counterclockwise, counterfeit, cramp, cramped, crowded, draw near, draw nigh, draw on, drawn to, encounter, equal, evoke, expect, face, familiar, fast by, favor, follow, foresee, foretell, forthcome, forthcoming, from, future, gain upon, gather, gathering, going to happen, hairbreadth, hand and glove, hand-in-hand, hang over, hard, hard by, hard on, hardfisted, hereabout, hereabouts, homologous, hope, hot, hover, illiberal, imitate, immediate, imminent, impend, impendent, impending, in, in danger imminent, in prospect, in reserve, in spitting distance, in store, in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, incapacious, incommodious, inseparable, instant, intimate, isthmian, isthmic, just about, larboard, lean towards, left, left-hand, left-wing, left-wingish, levorotatory, liberal, lie ahead, lie over, like, limited, look for, look forward to, look like, loom, looming, lower, lowering, lurking, match, meager, mean, menace, menacing, mimic, mirror, miserly, much at one, much the same, narrow, narrow the gap, near at hand, near the mark, near to, near upon, nearabout, nearabouts, nearby, nearing, nearish, nearly, nearly reproduce, nearly the same, next door to, next to, niggardly, nigh, nigh about, nighhand, nighish, not far, not far from, not quite, not tell apart, on, on the horizon, oncoming, only a step, overhang, overhanging, parallel, parsimonious, partake of, penny-pinching, penurious, pinchfisted, pinching, plan, plot, port, predict, preparing, pretty near, project, prophesy, propinque, proximal, proximate, quasi, radical, relatable, related, relative, remind one of, resemble, restricted, rival, round, same but different, save-all, savor of, scant, scanty, seem like, selfish, side-by-side, sidle up to, similar, simulate, sinister, sinistral, sinistrocerebral, sinistrocular, sinistrogyrate, sinistrorse, slender, smack of, sound like, stack up with, step up, stingy, strait, suggest, take after, that will be, thereabout, thereabouts, thick, thick as thieves, threaten, threatening, tight, tight-fisted, tightfisted, to, to come, touch, toward, ungenerous, upcoming, verge on, verging on, verging upon, vicinal, virtually, waiting, warm, well-nigh, with, within call, within earshot, within hearing, within reach, within sight