List of new synonyms and new related words.
ab ovo, accessory, actual, added, additional, afresh, again, all the rage, all the thing, ancillary, anew, another, another time, as is, as new, authentic, auxiliary, avant-garde, being, bis, callow, collateral, contemporaneous, contemporary, contributory, creative, current, de novo, dewy, else, encore, ever-new, evergreen, existent, existing, extant, extra, farther, fashionable, first-hand, firsthand, fledgling, fresh, freshly, from scratch, further, green, held back, held in reserve, held out, hip, imaginative, immanent, immature, immediate, in abeyance, in fashion, in hand, in style, in vogue, independent, instant, intact, lately, latest, maiden, maidenly, mint, mod, modern, modernistic, more, neoteric, nestling, new-fashioned, newfangled, newfashioned, newly, novel, of late, once again, once more, original, other, over again, plus, popular, present, present-age, present-day, present-time, prevalent, primary, pristine, put aside, put by, raw, recent, recently, regenerated, reinvigorated, renewed, reserve, revived, revolutionary, running, saved, sempervirent, smart, spare, stored, strange, supernumerary, supplemental, supplementary, surplus, suspended, that be, that is, to spare, topical, trendy, ulterior, unaccustomed, unapplied, unbeaten, unconsumed, underived, undeveloped, unemployed, unexercised, unexpended, unfledged, unhandled, unique, unspent, untapped, untouched, untried, untrodden, unused, unutilized, up-to-date, up-to-datish, up-to-the-minute, vernal, virgin, virginal, waived, yet again, young