List of nigh synonyms and nigh related words.
about, all but, almost, along toward, approach, approaching, approximate, approximating, arm-in-arm, around, as good as, aside, at close quarters, at hand, at next hand, beside, bordering on, burning, by, cheek-by-jowl, circa, close, close about, close at hand, close by, close to, close upon, closely, come near, converge, counterclockwise, draw near, draw nigh, fast by, hand-in-hand, hard, hard by, hard on, hereabout, hereabouts, hot, immediate, in spitting distance, intimate, just about, larboard, left, left-hand, left-wing, left-wingish, levorotatory, liberal, near, near at hand, near the mark, near to, near upon, nearabout, nearabouts, nearby, nearing, nearish, nearly, next door to, nigh about, nighhand, nighish, not far, not far from, not quite, only a step, port, pretty near, propinque, proximal, proximate, radical, round, side-by-side, sinister, sinistral, sinistrocerebral, sinistrocular, sinistrogyrate, sinistrorse, thereabout, thereabouts, verging on, verging upon, vicinal, warm, well-nigh, within call, within earshot, within hearing, within reach