List of no good synonyms and no good related words.
Bowery bum, NG, beachcomber, beggar, beggarly fellow, blighter, budmash, bum, bummer, caitiff, cheap, derelict, devil, drifter, drunkard, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, hobo, human wreck, junk, junky, lowlife, mauvais sujet, mean wretch, mucker, no-account, not worth having, not worth mentioning, not worthwhile, nugacious, nugatory, pauvre diable, pilgarlic, poor creature, poor devil, sad case, sad sack, shabby, shoddy, skid-row bum, stiff, sundowner, swagman, tramp, trashy, trivial, truant, vag, vagabond, vagrant, valueless, vaurien, wastrel, worthless, worthless fellow, wretch