List of nominal synonyms and nominal related words.
abstract noun, adherent noun, adjectival, adverbial, alleged, apparent, attributive, budget, byname, cheap, cognominal, collective noun, common noun, conjunctive, copulative, correct, diminutive, easy, economic, economy, epithetic, formal, frugal, functional, gerund, glossematic, grammatic, honorific, hypocoristic, hypostasis, in name only, inconsiderable, inexpensive, insignificant, insubstantial, intransitive, linking, low, low-priced, manageable, minimal, minor, minuscule, moderate, modest, nominative, noun, noun phrase, ostensible, participial, postpositional, prepositional, pretended, professed, pronominal, pronoun, proper noun, proposed, propositional, puppet, purported, quasi, quotation noun, reasonable, representational, seeming, self-called, self-christened, self-styled, sensible, shabby, shoddy, small, so-called, soi-disant, structural, substantive, supposed, supposititious, syntactic, tagmemic, tiny, titular, token, transitive, trifling, trivial, unexpensive, verbal, within means, worth the money, would-be