List of nonchalant synonyms and nonchalant related words.
Laodicean, Olympian, aloof, apathetic, at ease, ataractic, benumbed, blah, blase, calm, careless, casual, cheerful, collected, comatose, composed, cool, degage, desensitized, detached, devil-may-care, disinterested, dispassionate, disregardful, distant, dull, easy, easygoing, effortless, free and easy, glad, happy-go-lucky, heartless, hebetudinous, heedless, hopeless, imperturbable, in a stupor, inattentive, incurious, indifferent, inexcitable, insouciant, lackadaisical, languid, lethargic, light, lighthearted, listless, mindless, negligent, numb, numbed, offhand, passive, perfunctory, phlegmatic, pluckless, pococurante, reckless, regardless, relaxed, resigned, slack, sluggish, smooth, soporific, spiritless, spunkless, stoic, stupefied, supine, together, torpid, turned-off, unanxious, uncaring, unconcerned, undiscriminating, undisturbed, unemotional, unenthusiastic, unexcitable, unexcited, unflappable, uninterested, unmindful, unperturbed, unruffled, unsolicitous, untroubled, withdrawn