List of notional synonyms and notional related words.
Gothic, abstract, academic, arbitrary, armchair, baroque, bizarre, brain-born, capricious, conceptive, conceptual, conjectural, cranky, creative, crotchety, dream-built, esemplastic, extravagant, fancied, fanciful, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasied, fantasque, fantastic, fecund, fertile, fictive, flaky, florid, freakish, germinal, grotesque, harebrained, humorsome, hypothetic, ideal, ideational, ideative, ideological, illusory, imaginary, imaginational, imaginative, imagined, impractical, ingenious, inspired, inventive, kinky, maggoty, moody, moot, motiveless, nonexistent, original, originative, outlandish, petulant, postulatory, pregnant, preposterous, productive, prolific, quirky, rococo, seminal, shadowy, shaping, speculative, supposititious, teeming, temperamental, theoretical, unactual, unreal, unreasonable, unrestrained, vagarious, vagrant, visional, visioned, wanton, wayward, whimsical, wild