List of nutshell synonyms and nutshell related words.
abridge, ace, atom, bit, brief, capsule, capsulize, condense, dab, digest, dole, dot, dram, dribble, driblet, dwarf, farthing, fleck, flyspeck, fragment, gobbet, grain, granule, groat, hair, handful, inventory, iota, jot, little, little bit, minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, modicum, molecule, mote, ounce, outline, particle, pebble, pinch, pittance, point, scruple, shorten, sketch, sketch out, smidgen, smitch, speck, spoonful, spot, sum, sum up, summarize, summate, synopsize, thimbleful, tiny bit, tittle, trifling amount, trivia, whit