List of obedient synonyms and obedient related words.
abject, accepting, accommodating, acquiescent, adaptable, adapting, adaptive, adjustable, adjusting, agreeable, amenable, assenting, biddable, complaisant, compliable, compliant, complying, conformable, conforming, conscientious, consenting, deferential, devoted, docile, duteous, dutiful, ethical, faithful, flexible, humble, law-abiding, loyal, malleable, meek, moral, nondissenting, nonresistant, nonresisting, nonresistive, obeisant, observant, other-directed, passive, plastic, pliant, reconciled, resigned, respectful, scrupulous, servile, sheeplike, submissive, subservient, supine, timid, tractable, unassertive, uncomplaining, unresistant, unresisting, willing, yielding